CFTC Commissioner recognizes the “transformative” nature of cryptocurrency.

During his speech at the United Nations last week, Commissioner Behnam spoke at some length about the potential value that this new technology can bring to the United States and other nations. He noted that cryptocurrency has the potential to be an effective runaround the problem of corruption in International Development:

Here is our chance to put money directly into the hands of those who need it, without bribery, rake-offs, graft, and shakedowns. Virtual currencies could transform the economic and social landscape. It could mean a massive, and equitable, shift of wealth. Technology could be transformational, without a military take-over, civil war, or political or religious creed.

Benham also spoke about sectors of the United States economy that have tremendous potential to apply this new technology. Here is what he said about agriculture:

Through blockchain technology, finding solutions to these challenges may become significantly more attainable. Food could arrive on grocery shelves faster, using an intricate system of measures meant to trace location from the farm to the table, with the additional bonus of providing abundantly more information about the product source… we could eliminate food waste and even improve distribution through networks domestically and internationally.

And about healthcare:

Blockchain could allow patients to create smart records that gather and harmonize information, leading to better continuity of care and even new models of care. Blockchain could also address medical fraud and waste. And, as a result, help contain the rising cost of health care.

In 2016, we published a report in which we explain why open, permissionless blockchain technology is essential for powering identity and digital cash use-cases that are inherent to addressing the supply chain and charitable aid issues Benham discussed. Indeed, we are cautiously optimistic about proclamations that imply these technologies are the skeleton key to unlocking greater equality and efficiency in global markets.

Behnam also spoke about the importance of pursuing legal action against fraudsters, and the challenge and importance of correctly categorizing specific tokens. Furthermore, Commissioner Behnam signaled that the CFTC was completely convinced that cryptocurrency is primed to permanently disrupt financial and economic sectors. In fact, he is so confident in cryptocurrency’s staying power that his rhetoric ascended from the analytical to the prophetic:

These currencies are not going away and they will proliferate to every economy and every part of the planet… We are witnessing a technological revolution. Perhaps we are witnessing a modern miracle.

We couldn’t agree more, Commissioner.