Call for Papers: Cryptocurrency’s First Peer-Reviewed Journal

Cryptocurrency gets its own interdisciplinary academic journal.

Today we are pleased to announce the launch of Ledger, the first peer-reviewed journal devoted to the inherently interdisciplinary subject of cryptocurrencies.

This nascent technology has implications across a broad swath of subjects including, but not limited to, computer science, economics, and the law. Coin Center has looked at some of the policy and legal aspects of Bitcoin, yet there is a growing need for traditional academic research to investigate this growing list of questions.

Launched in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh and MIT’s Media Lab, and with the support of Coin Center, Ledger is a purpose-built vehicle for fostering this much needed research. I’m happy to say I’ll be serving on the editorial board of this new journal along with a distinguished group of academics and experts. The quarterly publication will have regular calls for papers and will be published in an open access format with transparent peer-review.

The journal’s first call for papers is officially open today. I encourage all interested academics to consider submitting their research. We are looking forward to your submissions.