Jerry Brito

Executive Director


All articles by Jerry

Senate Bill Risks Innovation and Free Speech with Stablecoin Ban

New crypto tax reporting obligations took effect on new year’s day

The CANSEE Act is a messy, arbitrary, and unconstitutional approach to DeFi

Coin Center is suing OFAC over its Tornado Cash sanction

Analysis: What is and what is not a sanctionable entity in the Tornado Cash case

U.S. Treasury sanction of privacy tools places sweeping restrictions on all Americans

Congress takes a step toward a de minimis capital gains exemption for everyday cryptocurrency transactions

Coin Center has filed a court challenge against the Treasury Dept. over unconstitutional financial surveillance

New crypto sanctions bill targets publishing code, facilitating transactions

New bill would hand Treasury blank check to ban crypto at exchanges

Join us in responding to an unfair and discriminatory midnight rulemaking

Comments to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network on Requirements for Certain Transactions Involving Convertible Virtual Currency or Digital Assets

Comments to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network on Changes to Threshold for “Travel Rule” Obligations

How an open patents alliance can protect all cryptocurrency developers

Are regulators poised to demand cryptocurrency address whitelisting? Probably not.

The ideal regulatory environment for Bitcoin

Do we really need more guidance from FinCEN?

There is no such thing as “a bitcoin”

How the OCC can clear a path for financial technology entrepreneurs

SEC Commissioner proposes safe harbor for projects that raise funds to build decentralized networks

A bill focused on stablecoins has been introduced in Congress

China intends to launch a national digital currency that will let the government easily surveil spending. Following in their footsteps would be a mistake.

The Uniform Law Commission’s model virtual currency act has been introduced in California

On SEC v. Kik

New regulation would effectively ban crypto exchanges in Mexico

SEC Chairman Clayton just confirmed Commission staff analysis that found Ethereum (and cryptos like it) are not securities.

We must protect our ability to transact privately online

The Case for Electronic Cash

The SEC published much-needed guidance on tokens and trading.

Cryptocurrency isn’t the primary threat to sanctions enforcement

Writing and publishing code alone cannot be a crime

Three pro-cryptocurrency bills are being introduced in Congress

Welcome to the party, Blockchain Association

IRS inaction on cryptocurrency can hurt taxpayers, but Congress can help

Despite criticisms, Fed agrees it won’t regulate cryptocurrency.

What does the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation mean for open blockchain networks?

Addressing concerns of illicit images on public blockchains

How the SEC and CFTC can address cryptocurrency while preserving US innovation

The SEC and CFTC are taking the right approach to ICO scams.

Congress’s anti-money laundering bill (S. 1241): Coin Center is on it

The Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act was offered as amendment to the House tax reform bill last night in Congress.

The SAFT Is a Symptom of Regulatory Uncertainty

CFTC commissioner: tokens that start as securities may “transform” into commodities.

The SAFT is a reasonable approach to securities law when preselling useful network tokens

Coin Center celebrates three years of crypto-advocacy

Reps. Polis & Schweikert introduce Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act in Congress

New digital currency bill in Congress? Here’s the real (crazy) scoop.

Coin Center files amicus brief opposing IRS’s overbroad request for Coinbase user data

Coin Center amicus brief in U.S. v. Coinbase

The judge in the Coinbase/IRS case just granted a motion that’s a win for privacy.

The digital currency industry supports the ULC’s model state law.

What Bitcoiners Are Doing to Fight Ransomware

Congress’s new anti-money laundering bill likely duplicates existing law on digital currency

Comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission on the Bitcoin Investment Trust

No, Bitcoin is not tied to the Paris attacks.

The Congressional Blockchain Caucus co-chairs asked the IRS for better guidance on digital currency taxation.

Why Bitcoin Needs Washington to Go Mainstream

Open blockchains have all kinds of startup innovators excited.

It should not be a crime to help victims of ransomware

It’s time to assess the potential for terrorist use of cryptocurrencies

Letter to the Government of India, Department of Economic Affairs

Bitcoin’s DC Debut: All Eyes Watch the US Government’s Response

Overzealous AML enforcement doesn’t just harm innovation, it can also be deadly.

Bitcoin taxation is broken. Here’s how to fix it.

Here’s how the tax treatment of Bitcoin is broken.

State Digital Currency Principles and Framework

An opinion piece in The Hill today tells the SEC to reject the listing of Bitcoin ETFs and it’s very misguided.

Terrorist use of cryptocurrencies is not a major risk.

Coin Center raises $1 million for 2017 operations, announces new supporters

Comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission on the SolidX Bitcoin Trust

Coin Center filed comments with the Federal Elections Commission on bitcoin political contributions.

Comments to the Federal Elections Commission on Technological Modernization

IRS Quest for Coinbase Data Sets Dangerous Precedent

The IRS is seeking the identities and transaction histories of all Coinbase customers in the U.S.

The Treasury Department’s Inspector General just completed a review of the IRS’s virtual currency practices.

If you weren’t sure if innovative fintech firms were having a hard time getting bank accounts, check this out.

What does the OCC’s new innovation framework say about a national fintech charter?

Poloniex yesterday filed a request for “no-action” relief from the CFTC.

A new bill in Congress would create a “regulatory sandbox” for fintech innovators and folks have been asking us about it.

Announcing the Digital Currency & Ledger Defense Coalition

Bipartisan Blockchain Caucus formed in Congress

Congressional letter to OCC: Will you support open blockchain networks?

The OCC just took a big step toward creating a national fintech charter.

Today Congress looks at a resolution calling for a pro-Bitcoin national policy.

Letter of Support for Congressional Fintech Policy Resolution

The Federal Trade Commission held a workshop on ransomware yesterday.

European regulators are under the impression that “open” blockchains may be inappropriate for financial services.

Celebrating two years of fighting for sane Bitcoin policy

Why do we get up each morning to work at a cryptocurrency nonprofit?

State banking regulators are nervous with the prospect of a federal fintech charter.

Is the EU about to impose on itself state-by-state licensing of digital currency businesses?

Letter to the Washington Department of Financial Institutions

The California bill fight is over.

Here’s an update on the new California digital currency bill.

New California digital currency bill is a step backwards

What does the CFTC have to do with the Bitfinex hack?

We got a data dump of all the complaints about “virtual currency” filed with the CFPB.

A resolution calling for a pro-bitcoin national policy was just introduced in Congress.

A law firm just filed a petition with the CFTC asking for a “comprehensive rulemaking” on Bitcoin.

What does Coin Center actually do day-to-day, anyway?

Maybe the EU’s proposed new AML rules are not so clear after all.

The OCC’s new banking risks report mentions “virtual currency” twice.

A new NYSE-traded Bitcoin ETF is about to give the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust a run for its money.

Coverage of the EU’s new digital currency AML rules missed the most interesting bit.

DTCC backs Coin Center, Mark Wetjen joins our advisory board

Hillary Clinton’s new tech agenda mentions blockchains.

Let’s take a deep breath on the FSOC report’s ‘warning on Bitcoin’

How to improve North Carolina’s digital currency bill

What Coin Center believes in, and what we do

Is the US losing its global competitive edge in fintech?

Coin Center raises $1 million for 2016 operations, announces new supporters

Some facts about digital currency and terrorist financing

Announcing the Blockchain Alliance

Janet Yellen on sound Bitcoin Regulation

Call for Papers: Cryptocurrency’s First Peer-Reviewed Journal

Celebrating one year of crypto-advocacy

Startup exodus from New York highlights BitLicense’s threat to innovation

EFF’s opposition to California bill unwittingly endangers Bitcoin innovators

Letter of Support for AB 1326 to California State Senate

California updated its digital currency legislation and it looks great

Bitcoin: Risk Factors for Insurance

Coin Center holds major Capitol Hill briefing for senior congressional staff

Second Letter to California State Assembly

New York BitLicense Falls Short

Our Principles and Framework for State Digital Currency Regulation

Letter to California State Assembly

Case Wallet: A Possible Case Study in Unintended Consequences

Coin Center Publishes Framework for State Digital Currency Regulation

Let Bitcoin into the campaign

Silk Road corruption case shows how law enforcement uses Bitcoin

The New York BitLicense and California’s Digital Currency Bill – A Comparison

The UK plan for Bitcoin is a step in the right direction

U.S. Comptroller of the Currency: Law should adapt to remain relevant

‘Age of Cryptocurrency’ is the serious introduction to Bitcoin we’ve been waiting for

Coin Center brings Bitcoin to DC’s top tech policy conference

Coinbase secures major vote of confidence

Putting the Price of Bitcoin into Perspective

The Price of Bitcoin Doesn’t Matter Right Now

Is Bitcoin regulated?

Brookings Institution: Like the early internet, blockchain tech deserves a careful, light touch from regulators

Coin Center takes off: Who we are and what we do

What are Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?

Regulators Need to Take It Easy on Bitcoin Startups

Bitcoin: More than Money

US regulations are hampering Bitcoin’s growth

Why Regulators Should Embrace Bitcoin

A Shift Toward Digital Currency