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Coin Center raises $1 million for 2017 operations, announces new supporters

We are pleased to announce that over the past month Coin Center has raised over $1 million to fund its 2017 operations.

At Coin Center, our mission is to make sure that policymakers understand the workings and implications of cryptocurrency, and to ensure that the technology remains as free of unnecessary regulation as possible. We believe our work benefits not just everyone in the cryptocurrency space, but everyone in the world who will benefit from the society-changing advances this technology promises—if it is allowed to develop freely.

Since our inception in 2014, we have developed a rich body of educational materials and in-depth policy researchto serve as the basis for an effort to advocate for smart regulation–an effort that we have rigorously led. In just the last few months we have released backgrounders on Zcash, the Lightning Network, and appcoins, released a major report on the important distinctions between permissioned and permissionless blockchains, and released an updated state regulatory tracker.

We also don’t just publish research. We have a full-fledged government affairs and advocacy program, and since the beginning of the year we have met with, briefed, and successfully lobbied senior policymakers in Congress and at state and federal regulatory agencies as well; and we’re just getting started. We’ve worked with the Uniform Law Commission to help draft a rational model act for state licensing, and we’ve been engaged with the OCC as it develops a new national “fintech charter.” We were also instrumental in the formation of the new Congressional Blockchain Caucus, and we’ve proposed federal safe harbor legislation for non-custodial uses of cryptocurrency.

There’s no-one doing more serious work on regulatory issues than Coin Center.

Our work, however, would not be possible without the support of people and firms who care deeply about this technology and what it could mean for the world. So I’m very pleased to announce that over the past month Coin Center has raised over $1 million to fund its 2017 operations. We are very happy to have existing supporters like 21, Andreessen Horowitz, BitPay, BitFury, BitGo, Blockchain, Blockstack, Blockstream, Chainalysis, Circle, Coinbase, Digital Currency Group, Elliptic, Genesis Trading, Grayscale Investments, Netki, Overstock, Ribbit Capital, Union Square Ventures, Xapo and Zcash continue their support of our work, and are thrilled to announce new support from Abra, Bitso, ConsenSys, Lightning, OB1, Ripple, ShapeShift, and SolidX, as well as several very generous private individuals. It is incredibly gratifying to know that such an amazing and diverse group has such great confidence in us.

Preserving the freedom to innovate with cryptocurrency technology is something that benefits us all, so it’s also great to see that the effort to do that has a broad and growing base of support—and we hope you can join that effort too. On May 22 in New York City we will be hosting the 2017 Coin Center Annual Dinner, a fundraising gala held alongside the Consensus 2017 conference. A ticket or table sponsorship goes directly toward our mission, with the added benefit of being a great time alongside the blockchain community’s finest.

Your support of Coin Center—at any level—keeps our work going and helps keep the technology free and open. Thanks to all our current and future supporters.