Celebrating one year of crypto-advocacy

Over 100 meetings with policymakers later, an update on our first year of cryptocurrency advocacy.

Coin Center is celebrating its first year of crypto-advocacy! Since launching last September our team has been hard at work to ensure that any government action on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is based on a sound understanding of the technology.

To date we have had over 100 meetings with regulators, policy makers, elected officials, and their staff. We have represented the technology at dozens of events for policymakers and have testifiednumerous times in legislative hearings. Here are just a few of the things we have accomplished:

  • Developed a model framework for States to reference when creating their digital currency regulations.
  • Worked with California to include concepts and language from our framework in the state’s virtual currency bill, AB 1326
  • Testified in California, New Jersey, and before the US Congress
  • Filed seven public interest comments in regulatory or legislative proceedings.
  • Intervened in the New York BitLicense proceeding to carve out an exemption for non-financial uses of the technology.
  • Held a major Capitol Hill briefing for senior congressional staff
  • Briefed the SEC on securities law and blockchain based assets.
  • Shared the blockchain’s innovative potential with top technology policy leaders.
  • Presented at close to 50 public and private events reaching hundreds of congressional, federal regulatory, and state policymakers, as well as media and the public.
  • Published 20 backgrounders by experts from across the digital currency space to clarify the technology’s nuances and their implications for policy, and 7 policy reports.

In doing all this and more Coin Center has been firmly established as the the go-to resource for government officials and media seeking to learn more about digital currencies like Bitcoin.

We could never have become so successful without the tremendous support of the digital currency community. Thank you to all of our donors. And if you haven’t yet, consider becoming one today.