Celebrating two years of fighting for sane Bitcoin policy

Two years into our cryptocurrency policy advocacy mission, we look back at some of our recent accomplishments and announce the latest batch of new Coin Center supporters.

This week Coin Center is celebrating its second anniversary! Since launching two short years ago, our team has been hard at work to ensure that any government action on cryptocurrencies is based on a sound understanding of the technology and does not harm—and indeed promotes—the technology’s open and decentralized nature.

To date we have had over 200 meetings with regulators, policy makers, elected officials, and their staff. We have represented the technology at dozens of events for policymakers and have testified numerous times in legislative hearings. Here are just a few of the things we have accomplished in the last twelve months:

  • Published an updated model framework for states to reference when creating their digital currency regulations, and helped the Uniform Law Commission develop its draft digital currency act.
  • Published an influential framework for securities regulation of and blockchain-based assets, including cryptocurrencies and appcoins.
  • Worked with several state regulators and legislators to develop sound approaches to digital currency business regulation that exempts non-custodial actors, and where states haven’t pursued a sound approach, opposed legislation.
  • Testified before the US Congress, and presented before the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology on the potential of cryptocurrency technology.
  • Programmed two major conferences in partnership with the Cato Institute and Consensus 2016.
  • Filed five public interest comments in regulatory or legislative proceedings.
  • Published seven plain-English explainers by experts from across the digital currency space, including Vitalik Buterin and Richard Gendal Brown.
  • Co-founded the Blockchain Alliance to help cryptocurrency firms interface with law enforcement.

All of this work would not be possible without the contributions of our supporters. About half of Coin Center’s budget comes from incredibly generous independent individuals who care deeply about the future of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. The other half of our support comes from an amazing group of companies and investors that we are very proud to work with.

Over the past twelve months, we have been thrilled to welcome new supporters including 21, Bitstamp, Blockchain, Blockstack, Blockstream, DCG, DTCC, Elliptic, Gem, Genesis Trading, Grayscale, Overstock, and Netki. And today, I’m very happy to announce three new supporters to Coin Center: Chainalysis, Circle, and Zcash. Thank you.

As we begin our third year, we are laser-focused on protecting open, permissionless blockchain networks. Open, decentralized, and privacy-preserving networks are what we believe in. We’re getting ready for the transition to the next administration and the new Congress in January, and we’ll have some news and announcements along the way. Thanks to all of you who have supported us over the years, and here’s to many more.