Coin Center raises $1.2 million spurred by Kraken matching pledge.

Last week we announced on Twitter that we have reached and exceeded our goal of raising funds to match a generous $1 matching offer from cryptocurrency exchange Kraken (in addition to their already unprecedented $1 million donation), bringing our total fundraise in May to over $3 million.

This enormous outpouring of support from the cryptocurrency community is three times Coin Center’s annual budget, which will help us step up our education and advocacy work at a time when government interest in these technologies is the highest it’s ever been.

In addition to donations from the 100+ individuals, here are the companies that helped us hit our goal: 1Confirmation, Andreessen Horowitz, Ausum Ventures, Autonomous Crypto, Baroda Ventures, Blockchain Capital, Blockchange Ventures, Chia, Digital Currency Group, Dispatch Labs, DRW/Cumberland Mining, eToro, Hudson River Trading, itBit/Paxos, Kik, Medici Ventures, Polychain Capital, Protocol Labs, Ripple, SIG, SolidX, Steemit, Tlon, and Union Square Ventures. 

Thanks to all of you who supported us. Your confidence in our work continues to humble us.