Congressional Blockchain Caucus kicks off

Coin Center gathers members of Congress and staff to launch educational and policy effort

Yesterday on Capitol Hill Coin Center hosted a reception to honor the launch of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, a bipartisan body within Congress dedicated to furthering understanding of blockchain technologies, as well as sound public policy to foster its continued development free of unwarranted regulation. The reception marked the first of what will be a full calendar of educational and networking events for the growing number of policymakers that are interested in learning more about the intricacies of these technologies and the at times arcane policy questions that they raise.

Well over 100 policy makers, congressional and agency staff, and digital currency and blockchain industry leaders were in attendance. Caucus co-chairs Reps. Jared Polis & David Schweikert offered remarks highlighting the importance of understanding and protecting this fledgling technology, citing the promise for innovation it holds. Later this month, the caucus will hold its first formal education session for interested members in which Coin Center will participate. We’re looking forward to continuing to work with the Caucus to keep cryptocurrency networks free and open for users and innovators.

More photos are available here