The DC scene got a little dose of blockchain today.

Both Jerry Brito and Peter Van Valkenburgh joined other local experts and policymakers to discuss the state of this technology.

While some markets are up to their necks in blockchain conferences, they come somewhat fewer and further in between down here in wonderful Washington, DC.

We appreciate any opportunity to brief large audiences of policy-minded people, so our participation in today’s first annual Blockchain DC conference was a no-brainer. Both Jerry Brito and Peter Van Valkenburgh joined other local experts and policymakers to discuss the state of this technology. Jerry moderated a panel which hoped to demystify “Bitcoin v. Blockchain” and Peter covered the promise held in “the Internet of Money.”

As you would expect, the resulting conversation came through the typical policy and legal prism that one would expect from this town. We will be sharing a recording of the event as soon as it is available.