The world’s regulators are racing to develop blockchain policy.

Our friends at Ripple have put out a great blog post that highlights some of the policy movement that have seen in Singapore and the United Kingdom.

If you follow our work you will be familiar with regulatory movement here in the United States, such as New York’s BitLicense, California’s AB 1326, and the Office of the Comptroller of Currency’s recent commitment to fintech innovation. But what about internationally? To answer this, our friends at Ripple have put out a great blog post that highlights some of what they have seen in Singapore and the United Kingdom.u2028

We particularly like this line, which hits the nail on the head as to why it is so important for innovators to work with regulators and be a part of the policy process:u2028

When crafted in a balanced, proactive way, regulations actively drive innovation and market competition. Yet, when regulatory frameworks are poorly crafted or not given necessary attention, they can directly restrict innovation and product development.u2028

This is exactly the mindset we have when developing and advocating for sound policies toward cryptocurrency technology.