Want to understand cryptocurrency policy? Try these podcasts.

The volume on Bitcoin in DC has recently been turned up to eleven. As we saw from this week’s hearing, Federal regulators have their eye on cryptocurrencies. Coin Center has been working with federal policymakers for a while now, helping them understand the value of protecting and fostering this technology. Here are some podcasts that will update you on our work:

On The Federalist Society’s Free Lunch podcast Coin Center director of research Peter Van Valkenburgh talked about our most recent policy proposal: a federal alternative to onerous state-by-state money transmission licensing. Revisiting this system is something the chairmen of the CFTC & SEC have mentioned, and Peter lays out how we think it could be done to help cryptocurrency innovation.

And on The American Enterprise Institute’s Political Economy podcast, Jerry lays out the nuances of what open blockchains are and why they are an important technology that is worthy of protection.

On the Cato Institute’s podcast Coin Center executive director Jerry Brito discusses what renewed regulatory interest in cryptocurrencies means for the technology and what Coin Center is doing to respond.