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We briefed the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force.

Senator Orrin Hatch, chairman of the taskforce, convened a Blockchain 101 briefing for republican policymakers and their staff.

Coin Center executive director Jerry Brito was joined on the panel by four Blockchain experts from industry, academia, and government to discuss what Blockchain technology is, how it’s being used today, how it could potentially be used in the future, and how policymakers can best approach the issue. The other panelists were:

  • Robleh Ali, Research Scientist, MIT Media Lab
  • Jonathan Johnson, President, Medici Ventures
  • David Mills, Deputy Associate Director, Federal Reserve
  • Paul Snow, CEO, Factom
  • Alan Cohn, Steptoe & Johnson [Moderator]

Senator Hatch also gave remarks stressing the importance of understanding and fostering blockchain technology.