Learn more about the 2025 Coin Center Annual Dinner

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Coin Center Fellow Michael Lewellen is suing the DOJ over their criminalization of software development.

Today Coin Center Fellow and smart contract security expert Michael Lewellen filed suit against the Department of Justice for their chilling interpretation of the unlicensed money transmission criminal statutes. Coin...

Analysis: The disappointing denial of Tornado dev’s motion to dismiss

Recently Judge Katherine Polk Failla offered her reasons for denying a motion to dismiss the charges against Tornado Cash developer Roman Storm. Storm has been charged in the Southern District...

Coin Center is suing OFAC over its Tornado Cash sanction

Privacy is not the default on Ethereum. If you do your job on Ethereum, your co-workers can see your salary. If you donate to a political cause on Ethereum, the...

Coin Center has filed a court challenge against the Treasury Dept. over unconstitutional financial surveillance

Today Coin Center filed suit in federal district court against the Treasury Department in a facial constitutional challenge to the amendment of Section 6050I of the Tax Code that was...

Coin Center amicus brief in U.S. v. Coinbase

A direct download of this brief is available here. 


