38 results filtered by

What the heck happened last week? SEC Broker Enforcement, Treasury Broker Rule, and SCOTUS Broke Chevron.

It’s an unfortunate habit, but federal agencies tend to announce enforcement actions and rulemakings at the end of the day on Fridays, especially Fridays before a holiday. For crypto, last...

New crypto tax reporting obligations took effect on new year’s day

We wish you all a very happy new year! Unfortunately, the new year also brings a new law that is not only unconstitutional but also virtually impossible to comply with...

Amicus brief in case relating to IRS John Doe summons on exchanges

Coin Center's submitted this brief in support of James Harper in his case against the IRS. A direct download of this brief is available here. 

A Simple Legislative Fix to Complicated Tax Rules for Personal Cryptocurrency Transactions

Existing rules for the taxation of cryptocurrency can make even the simplest of transactions a confusing ordeal to track, record, and report. A legislative fix is needed for everyday transactions,...

Coin Center Suggestions to Address Uncertain Tax Treatment of Digital Assets

A direct download of this letter is available here. Dear Chairman Wyden and Ranking Member Crapo, Based in Washington, D.C., Coin Center is the leading non-profit research and advocacy center...

A Snapshot of the Current Questions and Unsettled Policy Related to Cryptocurrency Taxation

Tax issues range from general questions about how digital assets should be taxed to technical issues dealing with accounting practices and reporting obligations. Novel technological aspects of digital assets that...

Congress takes a step toward a de minimis capital gains exemption for everyday cryptocurrency transactions

The Virtual Currency Tax Fairness Act of 2022 was introduced with bipartisan sponsors in the Senate today. This is a companion to a bill with the same name that has...

Coin Center amicus brief in Jarrett v U.S.

A direct download of this brief is available here. 

Congress takes a step toward a de minimis exemption for everyday cryptocurrency transactions

The Virtual Currency Tax Fairness Act of 2022 was introduced with bipartisan sponsors in Congress today. It would create a sensible de minimis exemption for low value cryptocurrency transactions in...

IRS signals retreat in court battle that could reshape block reward taxation

Last year, Joshua Jarrett sued the IRS for a refund. In 2019 he earned block rewards on proof-of-stake networks, paid taxes as if those rewards were income (as per the...

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