Without privacy, do we really want a digital dollar?

If a digital dollar is developed it must be just as “bearer” and private as physical cash.

COVID-19 is accelerating discussions about digitizing the dollar. Relief payments to support those suffering economically have revealed shortcomings inherent in current payment infrastructure. Fear of contagion has made handling physical...

How to trace a virus without surrendering our privacy

Decentralized technologies could achieve the goal without relying on trust in a centralized authority.

COVID-19 is dominating policy discussions here in Washington and abroad. Cryptocurrency policy is—rightly—not top-of-mind for folks in government at the moment. There is one area of our collective response to...

On SEC vs. Telegram

The first legal test for a SAFT

A Judge has granted the SEC an injunction against the public distribution of Grams, tokens intended to be used on Telegram’s long-promised blockchain network. As we wrote in Coin Center’s...

SEC Commissioner proposes safe harbor for projects that raise funds to build decentralized networks

Projects that qualify would get a 3 year window to achieve sufficient decentralization

In a speech in Chicago today, SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce unveiled a proposal to create a regulatory safe harbor for projects that raise funds in order to build decentralized, unowned...

Congress takes a step toward a de minimis exemption for everyday cryptocurrency transactions

The Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act has been re-introduced

The Virtual Currency Tax Fairness Act of 2020 was introduced with bipartisan sponsors in Congress today. It would create a sensible de minimis exemption for low value cryptocurrency transactions in...

Get your tickets for the 2020 Coin Center Annual Dinner

Individual tickets are now available for our annual fundraising gala. Get them here.  Every year, the Coin Center Annual Dinner brings the best and brightest from the blockchain community together...

Are cryptocurrencies useful for remittances?

A look at how cryptocurrency is helping a growing number of Mexicans preserve more of their wealth while sending money home. 

The “Expert Views” series of publications allows legal and technical practitioners in the cryptocurrency space to share their insight and opinions on cutting edge policy questions. The views expressed here...

Eight members of Congress have asked the IRS to fix its broken guidance on forks and airdrops.

In October the IRS released long overdue answers to pressing questions about how Americans can properly calculate their taxes owed for various cryptocurrency activities. Unfortunately, that guidance is muddled, raises...

A bill focused on stablecoins has been introduced in Congress

It intends to cover “managed” stablecoins, but it probably covers them all

The bill, titled the “Managed Stablecoins are Securities Act of 2019” (H.R. 5197), was introduced last week. It defines the term “managed stablecoins” and makes clear that products meeting the...

The Human Rights Foundation has published a guide to stablecoins for people living in at-risk economies.

In the latest installment of their multi-part series meant to help those who may need to transact privately in the course of their sensitive work, security expert Eric Wall details...