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Pocket Satoshi White Paper now available for more Coin Center donors

Due to popular demand Coin Center is now offering – our most popular gift – the Pocket Satoshi book at the $50 donor level.

Coin Center relies on support from the community for its advocacy work. As a thank you, donors at different levels receive different gifts. Over the last few months donors at...

Coin Center Publishes Framework for State Digital Currency Regulation

Legislative language for the essential components of any sound digital currency law.

States have begun to consider how their money transmission licensing requirements apply to digital currency businesses. For example: Texas and Kansas have published guidance explaining that third-party bitcoin exchanges do engage in...

Jerry Brito discusses Bitcoin with Foreign Affairs Magazine

Coin Center executive director Jerry Brito sat down with Gideon Rose, Editor of Foreign Affairs, to talk through the basics of Bitcoin. Topics covered include the technology's growth potential, it’s benefits over traditional payments systems, and Bitcoin's regulatory landscape.

Let Bitcoin into the campaign

Rand Paul is the first presidential candidate to let donors contribute to his campaign using Bitcoin—but just barely. This article originally appeared in The Hill.

Rand Paul is the first presidential candidate to let donors contribute to his campaign using Bitcoin—but just barely. If a donor uses a credit card or PayPal, they can give...

Silk Road corruption case shows how law enforcement uses Bitcoin

Crimes committed with Bitcoin are not beyond the law.

This week it was revealed that two federal agents who worked on the task force that investigated the Silk Road illicit drugs market have been charged with stealing bitcoins from the site....

Coin Center releases March 2015 Bitcoin Public Sentiment Survey Data

The first time American attitudes toward Bitcoin have been measured using a statistically sound sampling technique.

Today Coin Center released this month’s data from our ongoing Bitcoin Public Sentiment Survey. The survey measures American attitudes toward Bitcoin using a statistically sound sampling technique, the first of its...

Coin Center files comment on NY DFS revised BitLicense proposal

The latest version of the BitLicense takes into account many of the changes we suggested but there are still a number of issues that need to be worked out.

Today Coin Center submitted its public interest comment on New York’s revised BitLicense proposal. The revised proposal, which was released on February 4th, takes into account many of the changes we and others in...

Comment on Revised NY DFS BitLicense Proposal

The updated proposal is better but we still have some concerns. Here is what we told the NY DFS. 

In revising the first draft of its Virtual Currency Regulatory Framework the New York Department of Financial Services has shown a willingness to embrace challenge that should be celebrated. We...

Sign this letter to tell NY DFS that the BitLicense needs a safe harbor

Small companies and individual technologists need space to innovate without having to ask for permission or obtain a license.

It has become an oft-repeated adage that Bitcoin in 2015 is akin to the internet in 1995. And if there was one aspect of law and policy that was crucial...

CFPB Proposed Rules Relating to Prepaid Accounts Comment

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau may apply rules meant for prepaid products to digital currency businesses. We recommend against it. 

On December 23, 2014, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau published a proposed rulemaking relating to prepaid products that briefly noted that some of its requirements may apply to virtual currency products. While...