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Comments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on “Defining Larger Participants of a Market for General-Use Digital Consumer Payment Applications”

A direct download of this comment is available here. To whom it may concern: Coin Center is an independent nonprofit research and advocacy center focused on the public policy issues...

New CFPB prepaid rules leave out Bitcoin, and that’s mostly a good thing.

Two years ago this December, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau began working on a new regulation of prepaid products. The CFPB said at the time that some of the new...

We got a data dump of all the complaints about “virtual currency” filed with the CFPB.

This was thanks to a Freedom of Information Request filed by Muckrock News. A first glance at the data left us scratching our heads. According to the CFPB response, there...

CFPB Proposed Rules Relating to Prepaid Accounts Comment

On December 23, 2014, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau published a proposed rulemaking relating to prepaid products that briefly noted that some of its requirements may apply to virtual currency products. While...


