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The Uniform Law Commission’s model virtual currency act has been introduced in California

In February, the Uniform Law Commission’s model act for virtual currency business licensing was introduced in the California Assembly as AB 1489. Although it is now October and the Assembly’s...

The ULC’s Model Virtual Currency regulation has been introduced in Hawaii & Nebraska.

Earlier this month, State Senator Mike Gabbard introduced the Uniform Regulation of Virtual Currency Businesses Act in the Hawaii legislature. We worked with the Senator on this initiative and are...

The Uniform Law Commission Has Given States a Clear Path to Approach Bitcoin

The Uniform Law Commission (ULC), a private body of lawyers and legal academics, has voted to finalize and approve a uniform model law for the regulation of virtual currency businesses....

The ULC’s model act for digital currency businesses has passed. Here’s why it’s good for Bitcoin.

The Uniform Law Commission, a private body of lawyers and legal academics from the several states, has just voted to finalize and approve a uniform model state law for the...

The digital currency industry supports the ULC’s model state law.

In an open letter to attendees of the Uniform Law Commission’s annual meeting this week, several major digital currency firms and investors called for the adoption of the “Regulation of Virtual...

Sixth Letter to the Uniform Law Commission

A direct download of this letter is available here. 

Fifth Letter to the Uniform Law Commission

A direct download of these comments is available here. 

One of bitcoin’s best bets for sound regulation is about to wrap up.

We’re optimistic about the final meeting of the ULC committee drafting a model virtual currency law. This process began all the way back in October of 2015, and since then...

Fourth Letter on the Uniform Law Commission’s Uniform Regulation of Virtual Currency Businesses Act

A direct download of these comments is available here. 

An update from the recent Uniform Law Commission drafting meeting

I’ve just returned from the Twin Cities where the Uniform Law Commission had its third and probably penultimate meeting of the committee to draft a Uniform Regulation of Virtual Currency...

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